Offline Filters OLSH

Offline Filters OLSH

Specially designed for industrial hydraulic installations, the STAUFF Offline Filters are available in single or multiple housing configurations. The Offline Filter Units can easily be mounted to new and existing hydraulic installations. By means of an integrated motor/pump unit and an Offline Filter, the oil is pumped from the reservoir through the filter unit and after filtering the oil is then returned to the tank.


Options and Accessories

Motor/Pump Unit
▪ Available in different configurations
▪ Air driven motor

Clogging Indicator (available as an option)
▪ Visual clogging indicator
▪ With water sensor

Filter Elements
▪ Filter elements of SRM series

Technical Data

▪ Offline filters with integrated motor/pump unit
▪ Heated offline filter unit

Nominal Flow Rate
▪ Max. 4,2 l/min / 1.2 US GPM

Max. System Volume
▪ Up to 2.700 l / 713 gal

Water holding capacity
▪ Up to 2.280 ml / 80 oz.

▪ Anodizied Aluminium

